25 recognized complexes on the basis of vitamins to improve the potency of the men

We analyze the names of vitamins to improve potency for men of any age. Let's start with the definition. Vitamins called a group of organic compounds that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body of persons or animals.

They protect the body of a man, and support the vital functions. Many vitamins come in the body of food. Some of them are synthesized in the tissues and organs in small amounts, the other does not produce it, therefore, a reserve must be periodically fill.

vitamins for power

On what classes are divided?

For the composition

Are divided into synthetic and extracted from the material to the grass.

  1. Synthetic vitamins – interactions drugs obtained by synthesis of chemical substances (synthesis is a process of unification, substances, simple one).
  2. Extract from the material the grass are a group of substances derived from plants. He relates various dietary supplements and food Supplements.

The physical properties

The physical properties are divided into the following groups:

  1. Fat-soluble. Most of them can accumulate sc-fat level of the body or in the liver.
  2. Soluble in water. How to not accumulate in the body.

Most useful mens vitamins, useful to increase the potential out of the bed and return the fuse

1. Zinc

  • Zinc is an essential component for the synthesis of testosteroneand increased level of the male hormone and is characterized by an excellent erection. Zn is involved in spermatogenesis, that is, in the maturation of the sexual cells, the male of the seed.
  • Most zinc contains boiled fish, wheat bran, oysters, meat, nuts and lentils.
  • The daily rate of zinc for men is 15 mg (milligrams).

2. Selenium

  • The selenium helps to produce testosterone, essential for full erection. Trace element acts as a prevention tool against cancer of the prostate. Selenium is essential to maintain a healthy testosterone level.
  • A large number of selenium-containing pistachios and walnuts, beans, corn and peas.
  • The daily dose of selenium for the lord is 0,07 mg.

3. Retinol

  • Another name for retinol is vitamin A. As a natural antioxidant, promotes the resolution of inflammatory processes in the urogenital system, the testicles and prostate. This vitamin to improve the potency in men and toning the overall body, it stimulates the production of male genital hormones.
  • A large number of retinol containing milk products - dairy, eggs, meat, fish and seafood.
  • The norm in a day dose of retinol in the number of 34 mg.

vitamin d

4. Vitamin D

  • This element of the group D stimulates the production of the hormone testosterone, necessary for a full erection. Adjust your welcome, slows down the aging process. This is the essence of group D, which stimulates the production of serotonin, which normalizes libido , and stabilizes the functioning of the prostate.
  • The greater amount of an element of group D contain fish oil fat, sea food, fatty fish (mackerel or salmon), liver of cod.
  • The daily rate for this item – 0.015 mg.

5. The vitamins of group B

  • Stimulate the production of male hormones, which leads to an increase of the libido. On how to increase libido we have not yet spoken in another work. B group vitamins stimulate sexual libido, delete jobs that are stagnant in the genitals. This group is also required to prevent the appearance of diseases of the heart.
  • Substances of this group are contained in a single piece of cereal, meat, eggs, potatoes and green vegetables.
  • The daily rate depends on the type of element. For example, B1 need in a quantity of 1.5 mg. Group B13 need the number to 1500 mg.

The name and the prices of vitamins for male potency and improve libido reviews we will look at later. We consider them in the complex preparations later in this article, where there are several useful components with different minerals at the same time.

6. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C

  • This acid acts as an antioxidant, stimulating the production of sexual hormones. Strengthens the blood vessels, helping to improve their flexibility and elasticity, which is necessary for an erection in the morning. The inventory replenishment of ascorbic acid facilitates the circulation of the blood in the blood vessels.
  • To products rich in ascorbic acid content, refer to, orange juice, pineapple, lemon, blueberries and pickled cabbage.
  • Daily dosage of this substance is about 60-100 mg.

7. Vitamin E or tocopherol

  • Tocopherol increases the production of testosterone, necessary for the manifestations of virility and sexual desire. A sufficient number of tocopherol increases libido, normalizes the metabolism and improves the erection.
  • The most tocopherol in sunflower oil, beans, nuts, wheat, bran, and spinach.
  • The norm in a day, for the knight is considered to be a dose of-tocopherol in the number of 18 mg.

folic acid

8. Folic acid (B9)

  • This acid, which also applies to the useful substances of the group B9, is necessary as a tool of prevention against the sexual disorders. Promote sexual activity, by stimulating the flow of blood in the field of small pelvis, supports the ability to achieve an erection.
  • Folic acid in large amounts contain fresh leaves of lettuce and the parsley, beans, lentils, asparagus, and citrus fruits.
  • The daily requirement of folic acid for the strong sex – 4.0 mg.

During the physical exercise and the stress vitamins for men on this list, they also help to recover more quickly and recover with the margin of power.

9. Magnesium

  • When a sufficient amount of magnesium in the body the male problems of erection does not occur. The magnesium stimulates the inflow of blood to the organs of the pelvis, which helps to maintain longer lasting erections.
  • The magnesium content in the water, cabbage, beans, peas, cedar nuts and the grains of barley have croup.
  • The daily magnesium requirement for a man to about 400 mg.

10. Potassium

  • Potassium in the male body is essential to the quality of the ejaculation. Is involved in the processes of production of androgens (male sex hormones), which are necessary to increase the libido. It also helps the work of the kidneys and of the heart. On excitatory drugs we have also written in another publication.
  • To introduce in foods with potassium, diet knight must be seafood, dried plums, dried apricots, peanuts and lentils.
  • The dose of potassium per day for the stronger sex and must be at least 5 mg.

The interaction of vitamins with the other and with other drugs

Some of the elements of one group are incompatible with each other. But there are also opposite examples.

  1. During the intake of laxatives, medicines are violated, the processes of intake fat-soluble vitamins for the erection and of good vicinity, including the vital retinol.
  2. The vitamins of group A, plus B6 and B12, is more easily absorbed by the body if taken at the same time with the football.
  3. At the same time the consumption of vitamin B1 is useless, if it is used together with the copper and the iron.
  4. Vitamin B2 is not friendly with the vitamin B3, zinc, copper or iron, that is, their simultaneous consumption undesirable.
  5. The results of the interaction of vitamin complexes with drugs are often negative. Hypnotic drugs and tranquilizers inhibit the action of the vitamins of the group B.
  6. After taking vitamins you can also drink any medicines, otherwise it would have violated the absorption of both. You must wait at least three to four hours, and only then will it be possible to proceed with the acquisition of other medications.

What better time for taking vitamins?

Multivitamins not recommended to take at least two times a year.

In such cases, it is recommended the reception:

  • In the period of the disease. Optimal the beginning of the receive period is a low season, when they start epidemic diseases such as influenza, SARS and colds. Relevant even when it is difficult to recover after the suffered diseases.
  • After 40. Vitamin supplements need to take gentlemen over the age of 40 years, when they slow down the metabolic processes of the body, and reduced sexual activity.
  • In case of problems in bed. Substances useful for the power it is advisable take in case of erection problems, premature ejaculation, absence of sexual desire, difficulty in conceiving a child. In another article of the site, a previously described good tips that help in the long not to come.

Consider also the response to the question on which we need to eat vitamins for the male sex, strength, and power, in the following video.

the power recipes

Recipes of food and beverages for the power

For the health of the male body as the intake of medications must be accompanied by a balanced diet. Recommended dishes steamed. Boiled and braised meats, even the food does not lose its beneficial properties. Vegetables, fruits and nuts, we recommend that you take the cheese and not the treaty.

In the list of recipes for men's health are the following:

Popular drinks and fruit juices for the male intimate health

  1. Mixture of nuts and dried fruits. For the preparation need dried apricots, dried plums, and peeled nuts. It is necessary to mix the product in equal amounts and crank in a meat grinder. Add a cup of fresh honey. The tool to take each day one tablespoon.
  2. A decoction of ginger. You have to buy a dry ginger root, which must grind to a powder. Powder pour boiling water in a volume of one liter and boil all this for 40 minutes. The beverage resulting to cool, then taste, add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. A decoction of ginger need to drink instead of the preparation of all days.
  3. A decoction of milk and carrots. A glass of milk mixed with a couple of tablespoons of grated carrots. The mixture cook for 10 minutes, then cool and take 100 grams not less than three times per day.
  4. Salad with potatoes and fish. Salad need 500 grams of boiled fish, five cooked peeled potatoes, three hard-boiled carrots. Chilled products cut into cubes and season with vegetable oil.
  5. Steamed fish. 700 grams of slices of lean fish cook in the steam. After a couple of minutes, add two chopped onions and the parsley. Simmer for 15 minutes. For garnish weld two beets with two potatoes. Before serving the fish, pour the lemon juice.
  6. Hard-boiled chicken eggs. Chicken cooked eggs, prepare a simple salad. You need to finely chop the eggs and chives, then mix them together. This salad is dressed with extra virgin olive oil.
  7. Glue to the skin of the veal fillet. Cut in small pieces the meat of a calf is necessary to fry in olive oil, then add the pieces of carrot and onion. You must then add a little tomato paste, cucumbers, and onions.
    • Juice the celery.
    • Juice of parsley.
    • The juice of lemon and orange.
    • Beet drink.
    • Tomato juice and carrot.
    • The juice of aloe
    • The pomegranate juice.
    • From berries of grapes.
  8. products worsen the power

    Product, suppresses and depresses the function and strength of the male?

    Some products contain the components, suppressing virility and libido, which are so necessary to read. Their reception may also break the hormonal balance in the body.

    These products are harmful and drinks include:

    • beer;
    • fast food;
    • bakery products;
    • meats;
    • sweet;
    • fat meat;
    • full-fat cheese;
    • liver pate;
    • canned fish;
    • caviar;
    • shrimp;
    • sugar;
    • caffeine;
    • yeast;
    • margarine.

    Conclusions on nutrition

    Some drinks with caffeine impede absorption of vitamins for male power and mineral power. These drinks is best for the moment to exclude. The habit of eating fatty foods causes stagnation of blood in the blood vessels, which leads to erectile dysfunction. From the menu, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt and soy products. Excess salt reduces the production of testosterone. Soy contains phytoestrogens (like female hormones), which suppress the male principle.